Onward to something new!

June 21, 2022    life meta side-projects

So, last week I found myself without a job. It’s too bad, but my previous company decided they didn’t want cloud engineers any more, so they let my whole team go.

I’ll be spending at least the next few weeks searching for a new gig. If you’re reading this an you’re in need of someone with backend, frontend, and devops experience, check out my updated resume and feel free to reach out!

There are a couple of blog meta/housekeeping related items I’d like to mention:

FBA blog series

I’ve been working on drafts of a number of additional posts in my FBA series for literally years, but it’s been long enough since I’ve worked on an Amazon FBA business that the details are getting fuzzier in my mind, and the advice I would give is so out-of-date that its value is probably reasonably close to zero. As a result, I’m going to give up finishing those articles and abandon the series. If for some reason you are absolutely itching for advice on how to start an FBA business, you are welcome to reach out and I would be happy to help in whatever way I can.

New host

I’ve switched the blog to being hosted on AWS with CloudFront, so I don’t have to maintain the VPS that I was running before.

New posts

Since I’ll have some more free time in the short term, I’m going to write more! Look out for posts on a variety of technical topics soon.

Thanks for reading!